Many people don't understand the importance of the cylinder eye test, especially if the complaints caused by the cylinder eye are considered not severe. Whereas early handling efforts can make cylinder eye conditions easier to manage. Astigmatism or cylindrical eyes occur when the curvature of the eyepiece is not fully formed. People with cylindrical eyes have a cornea or eyepiece that is curved more sharply in one direction than another. Usually people who experience cylindrical eyes also tend to experience farsightedness (hypermetropia) or farsightedness (myopia). Look at the Different Types of Cylinder Eye Tests Cylinder eyes may occur at birth or appear after suffering from certain diseases, operations, or eye injuries. Under certain conditions, astigmatism also occurs due to a rare condition called keratoconus, which is a condition in which the cornea is thinned and conical in shape. But certainly, this condition does not occur due to sitting too close while watching TV ...